Sabryna Parkin
Sabryna Parkin is a 24-year-old, registered practical nurse in her second year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at McMaster University. She is the founder of Haus of Injexs Injectables, where beauty and health combine one syringe at a time! Haus of Injexs Injectables is designed to integrate beauty and health through cosmetic and medical treatments of Botox, filler, and microblading. Haus of Injexs Injectables strives to provide services for all demographics with specifications for black individuals suffering from cancer and hair loss. Sabryna’s goal is to educate individuals about the medical benefits of Botox, filler, and microblading as a preventative measure of maintaining our prominent genes and not wearing away with age. She is dedicated to investing in social good through donations to outreach programs for Single black mothers, young mothers, and individuals with cancer and alopecia (hair loss). Her ultimate vision for Haus of Injexs Injectables is to educate on the benefits of injectable treatments and employ the underrepresented black population, as a form of empowerment due to lack of recognition within the industry.