Tamara Whilby
I was born in Kingston Jamaica, moved to Canada at age 8, lived my father and stepmother, until my father passed, when I was age 10, live on my own at age 16th. Had only my self to survive. Completed high school at age 18, was not able to move on to college due to not being a landed immigrant. So I called Citizenship and completed the application on my own, had a work permit, so I worked 2 jobs to pay my way. Lived with room mates, until I could afford my own place. This was a joy. Along the way, I was very deep in praying and church, religiously went 3 times per week. It took 1 year before I was able to get my permanent resident of Canada, right away , I reapplied for college. Completed many careers, to name a few: Personal Support Work, Office Administration, then Practical Nursing, graduated all. My passion is to help others, I have been a nurse for 13 years now. I serve about 10 years in the hospital ( on various units) surgery I really loved. Working in the hospital allow to meet a lot of people with all different problems, I met a lady once working who was trapped, being abused as she expressed to me but I could not help her much, she came to me in preparation for surgery, explained that her attacker was her husband and he was waiting for her in the waiting room. I was so scared for her, it made me thing about my own personal past and similar experience. We spoke a bit about an escape plan, she was able to get to her mother with her children, that was the end of our contact. I have a passion to help, I visioned myself operating a women & children shelter. So I started to write things down, did some research about the City I lived in, spoke with a few coworker, who encouraged me to join once I started, so on May 27th,2020, this vision became a reality, I recieved an email confirmation that my Shelter is registered, I cried, but with tears of joy as I knew I have a plan in place to start! So, my biggest challenge is funds to cover the expenses and open ( has the City permit is pending). We have about 8 members on board, we meet once per month to review what is required. Policy & Procedure is completed. We are looking for support now for operation of programs, over head cost and so forth. I am super grateful and humble to be a given an opportunity to pitch my business. We thank you.